What My Mother and I Don’t Talk About is a book that everyone should read. A bold statement to start out with, but I truly mean it with all my heart.
What My Mother And I Don’t Talk About
The book is a collection of essays edited by Michele Filgate. It was originally published in 2019. The essays are from authors from different backgrounds and orientations.
I feel like I was able to relate to each story even in a little way. Of course, there are some that resonate with me more. Essays with subjects surrounding domestic violence, failures, and becoming a parent stayed with me.
I would read this book even if I wasn’t an avid reader. The stories are easy to digest despite dealing with deeper topics. I like that it’s easy to read because it makes the lessons more accessible.
I said in the beginning that I would recommend What My Mother and I Don’t Talk About to anyone. I still do, but I would definitely recommend this book for anyone on a healing journey. Anyone who feels entirely too much. Anyone with a dysfunctional relationship with their parents. Anyone just trying to survive.

What My Mother And I Don’t Talk About Quotes
There is a difference between the fear of upsetting someone who loves you and the danger of losing them. -Melissa Febos
I am very good at stories. Like my mother, who is a lawyer, a litigator. I am also, like my mother, good at indignation. I’m good at feeling fury toward a thing or person by which or whom I feel I have been wronged. -Lynn Steger Strong

What I cannot tell my mother is that she hurt me and I’m angry, but it doesn’t matter as much any longer. We all hurt one another. She could not not have hurt me. -Lynn Steger Strong

Honestly, I’ve just got into the world of GoodReads. I just got into the world of actually rating books on a scale. I don’t think it’s something I’m capable of doing. First, I’m such a highly sensitive person, that I know how I would feel if I stumbled upon a review of something I poured my heart into.
I’ve read a couple books that I think deserve all the stars in the world. But on GoodReads, it may not be as popular.
All I know is that I do recommend What My Mother And I Don’t Talk About. I want to world to read it, or at least give it a try.

I read 13 Books in October and I’m still on my way to finish my complete my 2023 Reading Challenge. There are a million books that I still want to read and I hope I don’t stop this streak.
One thing that I do like about GoodReads is that something about marking a book off as read just makes my day. It makes like so satisfying.
I also just finished Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister. Not sure if I’ll do a full book review on that one yet, but if you’re a thriller fan, I definitely recommend checking it out. It was a Reese’s Book Club pick as well, so you don’t even have to take my word for it.
What are you currently reading?