I think the first step to deciding to change is to say you’re going to change so I guess I wanted to write about going into my lucky girl era in 2023. I didn’t really know about how the lucky girl syndrome trend started in the past year, but I think it’s a great way to look at life if taken in the right way.
What is Lucky Girl Syndrome?
From what I’ve been reading, Lucky Girl Syndrome is a trend that initially started when Tiktok discovered the book “The Secret” in 2020. It’s essentially a belief in manifesting and in believing that positive thoughts and little right steps will pave the way for great things to happen in your life. A form of manifesting, if you will.
I’ve always been a believer in manifesting. I discovered “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne in my early teens or twenties. I’ve believed in manifesting positive beliefs since then but I didn’t really put it at the forefront of my psyche. I was in the Navy still so I wasn’t really sure where I was going. My days were planned for me so I could only do so much.
I’ve rediscovered this kind of mindset through Tiktok. I was on the right side of Tiktok as they say. It was all about positive affirmations, healing sounds, etc. At the moment, I was in my healing girl journey and it was helpful to my cause.
Since then, I have manifested several things in my life. Including reaching 10K on my Instagram platform, a dream that I previously couldn’t even believe. I’ve way surpassed that now and I’m still amazed at the trajectory my life has changed even in the past year.

My Lucky Girl Era
Although I have received some significant success in parts of my life, I feel like in some aspects of my life, my life is still a mess. I want to be able to create a balanced life for myself in business, finance, and personal life. I don’t think that I’ve felt a sense of balance in quite a white.
I’ve been reading Get Rich, Lucky Bitch by Denise Duffield-Thomas and I’ve realized that I still have so many mental blocks in my life that have prevented me from truly living my lucky girl era. These blocks could be anything from consistently being late on submitted work, to procrastinating, to not believing that I’m good enough.
Unfortunately, it can be hard to escape the comparison trap when you work in the social media industry. There’s always something prettier than you or richer than you or even just living in that dream life. I think it’s important to remember that it’s not how they started as well. It may look like perfection to us, but it could be furthest from the truth in reality.
The thing is that staying in that negative mindset cycle isn’t productive either. One example is my frustration with clutter and my inability to be a minimalist. At one point in my life, I wanted to be a minimalist and live like Marie Kondo. Of course, it was her book that pivoted me to believe that this was the way to live.
With kids and my work, I’ve become so overwhelmed with the clutter, and it led me to give up. I’m telling you this as I’m writing around all my clutter. And let me tell you. Clutter is overwhelming and stops me from creating for work and prevents me from creating the life I want to live.
So clutter is definitely a block that I have let myself have that prevents me from living my lucky girl era.
Steps towards achieving my lucky girl era
Start a High-Yield Savings Account and CD
I have wanted to get my financial health in order. I have a significant amount of debt that I would love to be free of. I am definitely going to be tackling my debt, but I wanted to have accounts for my money to continually grow as well. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it does improve our circumstances, no matter how we like to deny that.
Clean my office and home
It can definitely be super overwhelming, so I’m going to definitely tackle the chore in small little steps. I get anxious about this chore easily, so my therapist suggested that I should take it in 10-minute strides. I’m able to knock off each 10-minute cleanup on my planner and it even makes me feel accomplished each day.
Read more
I work in social media and some days, I spend even more time mindlessly scrolling on social media. I don’t think that it’s the most productive thing I’m doing in my life. I used to love reading and I think that making a conscious effort to actually read more would help me out.
Lucky girl syndrome can definitely help you out if used in the right way. Some people believe that it could be unhealthy, a form of toxic negativity. I think it’s definitely in the way that you use it. You have to make tangible efforts towards your goal of course, instead of just manifesting out of nowhere. Your inside has to match your outside.
Books I’m currently reading
Get Rich, Lucky Bitch!: Release Your Money Blocks and Live a First-Class Life by Denise Duffield-Thomas
Available at Amazon for $9.99 Kindle and $16.99 Paperback
More Money Now: A Millennial’s Guide to Financial Freedom and Security by Nicole Victoria
Available at Amazon for $9.99 Kindle and $15 Paperback