The last few days of 2024 are quickly dwindling, but I wanted to start remembering highlights better. Time is going so fast that I forget to stop for even a second. On my Substack, I’m starting a weekly series called “about a week ago”. My goal is to post every Monday to recap the week prior.
spotify unwrapped 2024
I have been impatiently waiting on Spotify Unwrapped for months. I am always to curious to see who I listened to the most. I look forward to seeing what my brother got, mostly to see if he still likes the same kinda things, what songs we both have on our lists.
The last few years have been great. Typically it gives a genre breakdown with how many hours listened. I was curious about this part of Unwrapped since I recently got back into Emo. The genre breakdown wasn’t there though, instead the recap included a timeline of shifting moods dubbed under names like Pink Pilates Princess phase. I got Boujee Football Rap in January then Softie Throwback Pop & R&B around March.
But then, it just kinda fell flat. Some people blame Spotify downsizing last year, letting go of 17% of the organization. Others blame the fact that AI has been slowly but surely infiltrating through various processes. Hopefully they get back to the past few years’ quality, but I mean, I’m still going to look forward to the next year. I think I might get Angry Feminist Indie Core or something along those lines.

holiday releases 2024
I always look forward to holiday beauty and skincare releases. A couple things I have been enjoying lately include the new lip products from rhode. The two new releases include Cinnamon Roll and Peppermint Glaze. Cinnamon Roll was a released in November, a perfect homage to cozy season. It smells exactly like a cinnamon roll and looks like the glaze on top of a freshly baked roll, a little bit shimmery.
The latest release is a collaboration with Matilda Djerf. The overall concept was inspired by Cindy-Lou Who from the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The images nailed it, that little girl was the first thing I thought of especially with how her hair was styled. Peppermint glaze is a clear gloss with a little bit of shimmer.
If I HAD to pick one it might be the Cinnamon Roll just because it nailed the scent without being too overpowering. Might be little hard to get your hands on though since both are currently already sold out.
Touchland’s Peppermint Mocha is my favorite release from the brand so far. I wasn’t entirely sure when I read the scent, I am not the biggest fan of peppermint drinks, but this one is very balanced. It’s not too strong, but still leaves enough of a scent. These hand sanitizers are a great stocking stuffer addition, something that people may want but don’t want to splurge on because it is hand sanitizer after all.
Rare Beauty is releasing a new scent in their body care line. The new collection, called the Awaken Confidence Body Collection includes a Body Cream and Body and Hair Mist so far. The notes for the line include sweet peach nectar, lush orange blossom, and creamy white sandalwood. There is a new Puffy Essentials Pouch as well which I may have to pick up.
Dove and Crumbl collaborated on a line of body care products. Some products include Confetti Cake Deodorant Sticks and Strawberry Crumb Body Wash. As someone who hasn’t even tried Crumbl cookies, I am kinda excited to try these out. Hopefully it is accessible, limited edition drops are usually hard to find.
currently reading
My currently reading list keeps on increasing so this week I’m hoping to finish at least one. (well at least try) I might focus on Lucky Loser, which is a comprehensive history of the Trump family’s life in the United States. If you needed more examples to tell your annoying neighbor about the reality behind him, I would definitely pick this book up.
I’m not even halfway done and I have been exhausted and frustrated multiple times already. It is extremely eye-opening though with patterns of deceit spanning generations.
Fred was the opposite, which is an explanation for why Donald ended up with a high level of confidence,” Kahan recalled. “Fred came up to me at dinners and would say, ‘Isn’t my Donny the greatest? Isn’t my Donny the smartest? He never pounded his own chest and said, ‘Look what I built.’ Never. It was a unique response coming from a real estate developer. (Lucky Loser)
I actually started A Man Called Ove before the election but then I fell off for obvious reasons. I’m attempting to actually balance my doom reading with something lighter. Although if Anxious People is a good baseline for Fredrik Backman’s writing, then I am definitely in for it.
hand care szn
With California getting a little bit of a breeze, my hands have started their thirsty phase. With constant hand washing, it gets a bit frustrating when my dry hands are noticeable. I have been applying two products repetitively. The Rare Beauty Hand Cream stays in my purse. When I am waiting to pick up the kids, there is no better feeling that putting it on. At home though, I typically use my L’Occitane Hand Cream. I can’t pretend that the hype isn’t real. It is just too good. The right thickness without feeling heavy, something super important for individuals who get bothered by textures like me.
netflix and chill
I watched the new Martha Stewart documentary on Netflix. I enjoyed seeing her life from her perspective. A pretty quick watch, one of those shows that you could throw on while doing something else, which I appreciated.
tiktok, words of the year, and mousse brown?
Tiktok is in danger of being kicked out of the United States. This move from the government is actually detrimental for more than just creators. I can’t imagine how many small businesses relied on the Tiktok Shop. For how annoying it could get to see Tiktok after Tiktok of someone selling something, sometimes it is all someone has.
This Tiktok push is another reminder to diversify your portfolio, to not put your trust on systems that you don’t own. Even my own website has failed me occasionally. I am committed to focusing on the website part of my business and hopefully it will pay off eventually (it should, right?)
I saw two different words of the year for 2024. One was demure, a word popularized by Jools Lebron. The entire catchphrase is actually very demure, very mindful. Celebrities even went in on the trend and Jools Lebron was able to be discovered by a bigger audience, able to secure better brand deals. And you know what, I am happy for her.
The second word is polarization. I think demure is such a fun reminder of the better days of the year, but polarization is more the reality of how Americans feel at the moment. A divided nation of the extremes with MAGA Republicans on one side and undecidedly leftist or centrist Democrats on the other.
Oh and Mocha Mousse is apparently the color for 2025. As someone who is relatively a basic b in real life, I should be happy. I just don’t feel like a great indication for the future. I am still delusional about the future so I refuse to concede to any of it.