Hello Beautiful!
A blog dedicated to skincare fanatics and newbies alike. I love researching about skin and keeping you updated about the newest releases as well as my tried and trues. My skincare routine has definitely evolved over the years and I will always be straightforward about the mistakes I’ve made in product choices, life, and every single thing in between. I wanted to start a community of like minded individuals who are in the process of falling in love with their own skin inside and out.
Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.
coco chanel
I’m a big believer of changing beauty standards in our communities. I’m a Filipino American immigrant. I’ve grown up with two different expectations, but I’ve never really felt like I fit in anywhere. Whether we have traveled the same path, or an entirely different one, I welcome you and I hope that you find what you are searching for.